






Date: 15 December 2023 (Friday)

Time: 10:30am to 12:50pm

Venue: Hall 3B-E, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Learning & Teaching Expo 2023)

With the rapid advancement of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is applied extensively in 21st-century everyday life, creating enormous opportunities and challenges to society. In the wave of popularization of AI, its impact on education and research has sparked heated discussions in the global education community. CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Projects brings together internationally renowned scholars, technology industry experts, and local veteran educators to discuss the current application, development trends, and hidden concerns of AI technology in different professional fields. AI is an emerging trend in global education, educators need to think about how to respond to the changes and impacts of AI on teaching and learning and work together to equip our younger generation to harness AI technology for the AI-driven future.

Programme Rundown

Time Programme Speakers
10:00 Registration


10:30 – 10:40 Opening Remarks by Guest of Honour

Professor Hon WONG Kam Fai William, Member, Legislative Council of the HKSAR; Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Professor FAN Xitao, Dean, Faculty of Education, CUHK

10:40 – 10:45 Welcoming Remarks

Professor YAM Yeung, Research Professor, The Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK; Principal Investigator, CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project

10:45 – 11:30 Keynote Speech: AI for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Cities

Professor KWAN Mei Po, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management; Director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science; Director, Institute of Future Cities; Head, Chung Chi College, CUHK

11:30 – 11:35 Award Presentation

• Awarded Teams of Secondary School Think and Create Competition 2022

11:35 – 12:10* Panel Discussion (I): Ethics of AI in Education and Research

• (Moderator) Professor Helen MENG, Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professor of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, CUHK; Co-Principal Investigator, Curriculum Development Team Head, Assessment and Evaluation Team Co-Head, CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project
Dr Crystal FOK, Head, STP Platform, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation
Ms Marina CHAN, Executive Director, MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node
Mr Fred SHEU, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Hong Kong

12:10 – 12:50* Panel Discussion (II): AI for Learning and Teaching (in Cantonese)

• (Moderator) Professor Thomas CHIU, Assistant Professor of Department of Curriculum and Instruction, CUHK; Teacher Development and School Engagement Team Head, CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project
Mr CHU Ka Tim, Principal, Shatin Pui Ying College; Chairman, Hong Kong Association For Computer Education (HKACE)
Mr LEUNG Wai Yip, Managing Director, Hong Kong Technology Education Association (HKTEA); Design and Technology Panel Head, TWGHs Chang Ming Thien College
Mr Albert WONG, Chairman, Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE); IT Manager, Ying Wa College

12:50 End of Programme


*Q&A session included


Guests of Honour

Professor Hon WONG Kam Fai William

Member, Legislative Council of the HKSAR;
Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Engineering, CUHK

Professor FAN Xitao

Dean, Faculty of Education, CUHK


Keynote Speaker


Speakers and Panellists


Professor YAM Yeung

Research Professor, The Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK; Principal Investigator, CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project

Professor Helen MENG

Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professor of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, CUHK; Co-Principal Investigator, Curriculum Development Team Head, Assessment and Evaluation Team Co-Head, CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project

Professor Thomas CHIU

Assistant Professor of Department of Curriculum and Instruction, CUHK; Teacher Development and School Engagement Team Head, CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project


Dr Crystal FOK

Head, STP Platform, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation

Ms Marina CHAN

Executive Director, MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node

Mr Fred SHEU

National Technology Officer, Microsoft Hong Kong


Mr CHU Ka Tim

Principal, Shatin Pui Ying College; Chairman, Hong Kong Association For Computer Education (HKACE)

Mr LEUNG Wai Yip

Managing Director, Hong Kong Technology Education Association (HKTEA); Design and Technology Panel Head, TWGHs Chang Ming Thien College

Mr Albert WONG

Chairman, Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE); IT Manager, Ying Wa College


Programme at a Glance

Keynote Speech:
AI for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Cities

    The rapid development and widespread use of advanced geospatial technologies such as GPS, remote sensing, mobile sensing, and location-aware devices in recent years have greatly facilitated the acquisition of enormous amounts of high-resolution space-time data. Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods have rapidly been developed to utilize these data for sustainability research. To build smart and healthy cities, we need to integrate these multi-source geospatial big data acquired by earth observation technologies and AI to provide more accurate assessments of individual exposures to environmental or social risk factors, and to develop planning policies to improve health for all. Drawing upon her recent projects on individual exposures to green/blue spaces, light-at-night, and air and noise pollution, she explores how AI is used for the analysis of high-resolution space-time data and provide new insights into building smart and sustainable cities. Implications for education and curriculum development will also be discussed.

Panel Discussion (I):
Ethics of AI in Education and Research

    Amid the rapid rise of AI, educational and research institutions across the world have actively integrated AI into teaching and research, bringing evolutionary changes to the traditional ways of teaching and research. The CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project brings together internationally renowned AI scholars and technology industry experts to analyze the latest developments and prospects of AI in the realm of education and research and explore the ethical issues involved, thereby arousing public concern about the ethics of AI.

Panel Discussion (II):
AI for Learning and Teaching (in Cantonese)

    AI is permeating all aspects of our everyday life. It is no longer confined to the field of research or higher education. Introducing AI education into pre-university education has become a global education trend. The CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project brings together local technology educators and experts to discuss how teachers in local primary and secondary schools should cope with the opportunities and challenges brought to teaching and learning by the advent of AI and promote the popularisation of AI education.




The AI Summit 2023 will be held in the LTE 2023. Please visit the LTE website for registration.
Telephone: 3943 0842 (General Enquiries) / 3943 0452 (Media Enquiries)
Email: aiforfuture@cuhk.edu.hk