Curriculum Co-creation
Pioneering Schools
Pilot Teaching and
Curriculum Refinement
Participating Schools
Organized Over
Teachers' Training
and Sharing
Engaged Over
Secondary School Teachers
Our Curriculum
CUHK Professors and 6 Selected Local Secondary Schools co-created a novel and comprehensive AI Curriculum
Teachers' Sharing (Available in Chinese Only)
先導學校就中大設計的課程內容給予意見,並分享其教學簡報、網上教學資源及教學法,以便進行修訂工作,促使最新的課程可以深入淺出闡釋AI知識,以及滿足老師彈性取材教學的需要。課程教學框架可歸納為五個階段:意識、知識、互動、能力強化及AI倫理,涵蓋了12 個章節 55個模塊,有多個網上及工具實驗讓學生體驗AI。當中特別關注AI倫理及未來工作兩個範疇,希望在中學階段向未來一代灌輸AI的倫理原則,包括:透明度、公平與正義、裨益、責任和私隱權,為日後正確應用AI打好基礎,並用於社會公益。

不少中學都有開設普通電腦科/資訊及通訊科技科 (Computer Literacy / Information and Communications Technology) 課程,有學校更已實行專科專教,但非專科專教老師依然是主流。故此,計劃的教師發展和學校參與小組一直不斷為參與計劃的中學老師提供各類型的培訓和分享。

Teachers' Comments
The exhibition was really interesting and eye-opening on what we can introduce to the students. It was also great to hear the sharing from the pioneer schools about their teaching experience of AI and how they have implemented the project into the school curriculum.
This project can really help both teachers and students in understanding artificial intelligence, which is greatly important in the era of AI and innovation technology!
Introducing AI to teenagers is something that we cannot image 10 years ago. Technology changes a lot. Thank you for making the teaching materials, providing PD for teachers to make this impossible task happen.
Thanks the CUHK for the development of the AI module. Both the students and teachers have learnt a lot of techniques through those activities. We look forward to having more face to face workshops with students and teachers.
(Available in Chinese Only)
(Available in Chinese Only)
Disclaimer: The videos / photos were filmed in due observance of strict personal and environmental hygiene to prevent transmission of COVID-19. Persons involved in the filming process worn a surgical mask and maintained social distance from the others at all times, only except an individual interviewee having his/her own shooting scene. The shooting scenes with a group of people without surgical masks were taken before the COVID-19 pandemic.