The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has launched an artificial intelligence (AI) education project for junior secondary forms in Hong Kong since 2019, namely, the CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project. Led by the Faculties of Engineering and Education and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Project is endeavored to driving changes to the educational system of secondary schools in Hong Kong. In the past three years (Phase I: 2019-2022), the Project has passed a significant milestone. We have been collaborating with 63 Participating Schools, and undertaken the development and implementation of a novel and comprehensive AI Curriculum for junior secondary level. With all extraordinary achievements made and supports from the education field in the past three years, we are pleased to announce that the Project is now extending to another four years (Phase II: 2022-2026) in order to carry more local secondary schools in mainstreaming AI education and to build up a sustainable AI learning and teaching ecosystem. We are now recruiting more schools to join us as Phase II Participating Schools in the academic years 2022 to 2026. We believe that your involvement and support will play a strong role in the long-term curriculum participatory design, teacher professional development and implementation of the AI education materials across different schools in Hong Kong.
All Phase II Participating Schools will be supported by:

Participating Schools’ Roles and responsibilities
- Be strongly supported by the principal and senior management for participating in the Project;
- Implement at least three chapters of the enriched AI Curriculum (selected based on your school’s circumstances) through lessons of Computer Literacy (CL)/ Information Communications Technology (ICT)/ Design and Technology (D&T)/ STEM/ STEAM, or any subjects deemed appropriate, and engage at least 84 new participating students in these classes every academic year throughout the whole Phase II from 2022 to 2026;
- Instruct all students engaged in the AI Curriculum to complete the Assessment Exercises and AI Literacy Tests via the Project’s E-platform;
- Keep tracking the AI learning progress of all students engaged and be able to provide relevant data to the Project upon request;
- Be able to deliver the to-be-developed Extended (EX) Modules of the AI Curriculum as Extra Curriculum Activities (ECA) will be an advantage;
- Actively participate in evaluations conducted by the Project Team throughout each Project Year, such as surveys and focus group interviews for teachers and students;
- Assign one or more CL/ ICT/ D&T/ STEM/ STEAM/ any other relevant subject teacher(s) to attend teacher workshops under the Teacher AI Knowledge Enrichment Scheme;
- Actively participate in the School Mentoring Scheme to share practical AI teaching experience and difficulties, as well as to open classes for Lesson Observations;
- Be equipped with a dedicated computer room and basic infrastructure, tools, and equipment for the delivering AI Curriculum;
- Actively participate in Project Events, including but not limited to Orientation Day, the Teaching Ambassadors Outreach Programme, Teacher Workshops, AI Lab Visit, AI Competition, AI Summer Camp, etc.
Phase II Orientation Day Material
Please feel free to download the PowerPoint slides on the right!
Application - Phase II Participating Schools
The Project will review all applications on a quarterly basis. Successful applicants will be informed within four months.