Mr Albert WONG
IT Manager of Ying Wa College
Chairman of Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)
Speaker Information:
Mr WONG has been a teacher since 1990, and worked for different types of school including Aided School, Caput School, Direct Subsidy Scheme School and Private Independent School. He originally taught Biology, Mathematics and Integrated Sciences. Since the First Strategy on IT in Education by the HKSAR Government, Mr. Wong changed his role from a Mathematics and Science teacher to a school IT Coordinator and Computer Science teacher. Besides, he currently chairs a professional teacher association, namely "Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)". The primary aim of the Association is to promote quality of education through the use of information technologies in the form of peer-sharing groups, seminars and workshops. Mr. Wong is active in public and community services to support quality of education. He has served as Leader of Google Educator Group (GEG) Hong Kong, chairmen of CIT and ICT Subject Committees (HKEAA), and members of the Steering Committee on Strategic Development of Information Technology in Education (EDB), the Public Examination Board (HKEAA), CDC-HKEAA Committee on Information and Communication Technology (Senior Secondary) (EDB), the Standard Committee (HKEAA), and Assessment and Monitoring Committee (QEF).
Sharing Topic: Incorporating AI Education into Primary and Secondary Schools Computer Curriculum