Media Coverage
"Artificial Intelligence Curriculum for Junior Secondary Students in Hong Kong" Publication Event
The Project held the publication event of "Artificial Intelligence Curriculum for Junior Secondary Students in Hong Kong - Teaching and Learning Pack" (Teaching and Learning Pack) on 28 September 2021 at Innoport, CUHK which attracted participation from over 50 guests. Dr. David CHUNG JP, Under Secretary of Innovation and Technology, Innovation and Technology Bureau of HKSAR Government, Ms. Winnie YING, Head of Charities of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and Professor Isabella POON, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK jointly officiated the event. Representatives from the Project introduced the features of the Teaching and Learning Pack, the Curriculum design and the pedagogical framework. They also elaborated on how to incorporate our curriculum with the CUHK-JC iCar - an AI robot car originated from CUHK, as well as other AI education solutions in the market in order to offer students hands-on experiences.
Media Coverage (Chinese only)
Date | Title | Media |
28.09.2021 | 【香港創科】中大與本地中學合作 源套出爐 | 香港經濟日報 |
28.09.2021 | 中大賽馬會「智」為未來計劃: 首套由中大與中學共建「香港人工智能教育初中課程教學資源套」出版 | 香港中文大學傳訊及公共關係處 |
29.09.2021 | 港首套AI初中教學資源套面世 中大馬會夥6校編寫 逾30中學2600課節試教 | 文匯報 |
29.09.2021 | 中大首推初中資源套 六校先行 智能車教AI倫理 培育創科人才 | 大公報 |
29.09.2021 | AI 初中教學資源套 全港首發 設五大範疇 55 課題 選本地及外國例子助擴視野 | 香港仔 |
29.09.2021 | 中大偕中學編 AI 教材 倫理教育列重中之重 學生反思道德議題 | 星島日報 |
29.09.2021 | 中大偕中學編AI教材 倫理教育列重中之重 讓學生反思衍生議題 | 巴士的報 |
07.10.2021 | 中大賽馬會「智」為未來計劃 創建人工智能教學資源套 | 香港01 |