Media Coverage
Project Announcement Cum Secondary School Think and Create Competition 2020 Awards Presentation Ceremony
The Project held the Project Announcement Cum Secondary School Think and Create Competition 2020 Awards Presentation Ceremony (online) on 28 November (Saturday). The Ceremony received overwhelming responses from over 150 guests, school principals, teachers, students and industry representatives. Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin YEUNG Yun-hung JP, CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Isabella POON, Executive Director for Charities and Community Affairs of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mr Leong CHEUNG and Project Principal Investigator, Professor Yeung YAM officiated the Ceremony and shared the fruitful achievements of the Project in Year 1 with the participants. The Ceremony also presented awards to winning teams of Secondary School Think and Create Competition 2020.
Media Coverage (Chinese version only)
Date | Title | Media |
28.11.2020 | 楊潤雄:香港可匯聚大灣區創新資源 將加強培訓人才 | 商業電台 |
28.11.2020 | 楊潤雄:香港可匯聚大灣區創新資源吸年輕人入行 | 大公文匯新聞 |
28.11.2020 | 中學生智能創意比賽 隨機認便廁所系統得獎 | 東方日報 |
28.11.2020 | 楊潤雄:教局積極推動STEM教育 籲學生努力學習創科 | 星島日報 |
28.11.2020 | 楊潤雄稱人才培訓至為重要 鼓勵新一代加入創科行列 | 香港商報 |
28.11.2020 | 楊潤雄:香港擁世界級科研能力、全國最國際化 盼培訓創科人材 | 香港01 |
28.11.2020 | 中大賽馬會「智」為未來計劃 培育新一代數碼精英 | 香港中文大學傳訊及公共關係處 |
28.11.2020 | 楊潤雄:教局積極推動STEM教育 籲學生努力學習創科 | MSN新聞 |
29.11.2020 | 中學智能創意比賽獲獎作品 | 大公報 |
29.11.2020 | 楊潤雄:教局積極推動STEM教育 籲學生努力學習創科 | 巴士的報 |
30.11.2020 | 中大賽馬會「智」為未來計劃 培育新一代數碼精英 | 明報 |