Teacher Training Workshops

Date Event Description Registration Link
20 /27 May 2022 (Fri) AI with Python Workshop (Re-run) Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, which is also an indispensable tool for AI and Machine Learning nowadays. Majority of the popular AI and machine learning frameworks are available in Python. With the help of these frameworks, developing AI applications could be much easier than in the past. In this workshop, teachers with little or no programming experience can gain knowledge of basic Python and experience by developing an AI application using Python. Register

Previous Trainings

Date Event Description Review
22 / 29 Apr 2022 (Fri) Introduction to Linux Operating System with Raspberry Pi Workshop (Re-run) This workshop is designed for teachers who have never used Linux before. With the software support from Tensorflow, PyTorch and Nvidia, Linux is considered as the “go-to” operating system for machine learning. Because of this, people usually use this free-to-use Linux System to build open-source AI projects. This beginner-level workshop will introduce basic command-line interface of Debian-based Linux with a Raspberry Pi. We will cover topics like installing packages, creating, copying, and removing files. We will also install PyTorch on the Pi to perform a simple image classification experiment. Review
18 Mar 2022 (Fri) Teacher Workshop: Project’s Exclusive Experiment by CocoRobo (Automatic Driving Car) After launching our Project’s first two exclusive experiments, we are pleased to introduce our third exclusive experiment from CocoRobo – Automatic Driving Car. In this workshop, teachers will get a chance to assemble their own Automatic Driving Cars. Afterwards, teachers will gain hands-on experience on practicing Blockly programming, to fully understand the operating principles on color recognition and line tracking techniques. Review
17 Dec 2021 (Fri) CocoRobo Next-Gen AIoT Teacher Training Workshop - Project Exclusive Experiment (Smart Tracker) Apart from the Smart Trash Bin Experiment, we cordially introduce the Project's second CocoRobo Next-Gen AIoT exclusive experiment - Smart Tracker. This workshop provides a chance for teachers to understand the working principles of facial recognition which is a popular technology nowadays. Review
19 Nov 2021(Fri) SenseStorm Workshop (Rerun) This time we gladly introduce another AI toolkit, SenseStorm which could perform a variety of AI functions. Besides understanding about the structure and core of SenseStorm, teachers can also use different coding methods and bricks to achieve different AI functions, such as Image Classification, Object Detection, Facial Recognition and Automatic Voice Recognition. Review
18 Oct 2021(Mon) Teacher Training Workshop: Project’s Exclusive Experiment by CocoRobo (Smart Trash Bin) In order to put knowledge into practice, we are glad to introduce our Project’s first exclusive AI experiment from CocoRobo – Smart Trash Bin. This AI experiment not only offers teachers with knowledge on the working principle of the Smart Trash Bin, but teachers can also gain some hands-on experience on how to assemble the Smart Rubbish Bin and practice programming. Review
24 Sep 2021(Fri) Introduction to AI & CUHK-JC iCar Workshop (Renewed) Our CUHK-JC iCar has been upgraded and will be distributed to all of our participating schools in the academic year of 2021/2022 to facilitate the AI teaching. To share the ideas behind the design of the CUHK-JC iCar and relevant AI experiments, this workshop will introduce the basic concepts of AI, the use of Huskylens and Blockly programming in creating and performing various AI experiments that are suitable for secondary school students. Review
10 Sep 2021(Fri) CocoRobo Next-Gen AIoT Teacher Training Session (Rerun) In response to the overwhelming responses from teachers, we are going to rerun the CocoRobo Next-Gen AIoT Teacher Training Session in September. This workshop will introduce the basic applications of AI and basic programming of Python to our teachers. Review
16 June 2021(Wed)/
18 June 2021(Fri)/
23 June 2021(Wed)/
25 June 2021 (Fri)
AI with Python Workshop Python is one of the most popular programming languages. It has seen a meteoric rise in the field of ​ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. With several AI and machine learning frameworks available in Python, it has become an indispensable tool for developing AI applications. This workshop aims to provide teachers with solid fundamental knowledge of Python and empower with the tools that will help them in class and beyond. In the workshop, the teachers will learn the basics of Python, followed by a hands-on experience in developing an AI application using Python. The knowledge and skills introduced in the workshop will be valuable in assisting students to pursue advanced AI projects.​​ Review
28 May 2021 (Fri)/
4 June 2021 (Fri)
Introduction to Linux Operating System with Raspberry Pi With the software support from Tensorflow, PyTorch and Nvidia, Linux is considered as the “go-to” operating system for machine learning. Open-source AI projects also tend to be built on the Linux system because of ​this, and it is free. This beginner-level workshop will walk you through the primary command-line interface of Debian-based Linux with a Raspberry Pi. We will cover topics like installing packages, creating, copying, ​and removing files. We will also install PyTorch on the Pi, which turns it into an AI-ready device.​ ​ Review
7 May 2021(Fri) CocoRobo Next-Gen AIoT Teacher Training Session (on-site) This time, our training workshops will introduce another common AI toolkit, Next-Gen AIoT, to introduce the application of AI as well as basic programming of Python. Participating School Teachers will gain hands-on experience of AI by using a programme design tool called CocoBlockly X together with the use of extension modules to develop several small-scale AI projects. The workshops will be conducted in four sessions, one for introductory and other three specially for the Project’s exclusive AI experiments. Review
7 May 2021(Fri) E-platform Introduction Session Led by CUHK Knowledge and Education Exchange Platform (KEEP) team, the introduction session will ​provide an overview of the E-Platform by introducing various system modules of software toolkits for AI ​teaching and learning. Demonstrations will be provided to illustrate the workflow of delivering interactive ​and empowerment activities of the Project’s AI curriculum. ​ Review
30 April 2021(Fri) Introduction to Style Transfer  (provided with Apps license) Style transfer is a very popular computer vision technology that allows us to compose one image in the style of another image. It is a fun and interesting technique to showcase the capabilities and internal representations of neural networks and deep learning algorithms. ​We will provide all the participating teachers a license to access an application to experience and a briefing to understand how we do with face detection and facial keypoints positioning technology. Review
26 March 2021(Fri) SenseStorm Workshop The workshop will introduce one of the common AI toolkits, SenseStorm to our participating school ​ teachers on how to create their own AI projects with the use of bricks to perform different AI​ functions, such as Image Classification, Object Detection, Facial Recognition, Automatic Voice Recognition, and other AI applications. Review
24 February 2021(Wed) CUHK-JC iCar Workshop (Re-run) The workshop will allow teachers to assemble the CUHK-JC iCar with the use of Huskylens, do programming through Blockly, and finally explore other potential functions of the toolkit set. Review
15 January 2021(Fri) CUHK- JC iCar Workshop The workshop will allow teachers from assembling the CUHK-JC iCar with the use of Huskylens, doing programming through Blockly, and finally exploring other potential functions of the toolkit set Review
4 December 2020 (Fri) Moodle Introduction Session The introduction session will demonstrate ​ how teachers can make use of the Project’s e-learning platform (Moodle) to set up and conduct different lessons ​ as well as to run various AI activities for teaching the Project’s designed AI learning materials Review
19 November 2020 (Thu) Technical Knowledge Open Forum The Open Forum will allow teachers to ask ​ questions or discuss on the technical concepts introduced in our AI Curriculum. There will be 3 parallel sessions ​ to cover all the Chapters with Zoom links provided. Review
16/19/21 October 2020 (Fri/Mon/Wed) Autopilot Car Training Workshop (Re-run) The workshop will make use of one of the common AI toolkits, Donkey Car to ​ demonstrate the AI learning process through data collection, model training and autopilot deployment. ​ Review
28-31 July 2020 (Tue-Fri) Teacher Training and Sharing Workshop A 4-day Teacher Training and Sharing Workshop provide a comprehensive support to our participating teachers. It is mainly about to give an insight to teachers about the curriculum overview and provide lecture training of 12 chapters to teachers to get well-prepared for their AI teaching Review
15 June 2020 (Mon) Autopilot Car Training Workshop The workshop will make use of one of the common AI toolkits, Donkey Car to ​ demonstrate the AI learning process through data collection, model training and autopilot deployment. ​ Review